Thursday, March 17, 2011

SXSW 2011 - Austin, TX

Can't Sleep... So i will blog, Muahaha!!! So we are here in Austin, TX just got done with our show at the Red Gorilla music Festival at SXSW. The crowd was so much fun which made it super fun for us. We'll try to post videos later. Being in Austin... We got to see a lot of Craaaaazzzzyyy People (Which is always fun) It also made us feel like we we're back in Miami. Tomorrow we wake up to Drive back up North to PA for some more work. A Lot of things in the works. Kinda crazy actually. :D

Friday, March 11, 2011

Art work...

Tiago was working on these pieces to give away to some lucky people this weekend. He works in the basement... We call it the insane asylum. We have a showcase this weekend in Philly. So we decided we should gives some stuff away. We'll be giving more away through Facebook/Twitter. So stay tuned!!!!!! ^_^

“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.” Oscar Wilde


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Beautiful Life

I was in the studio recording with my boy Ian Holmes last night in Harlem, and mid song i realized how much fun i was having and how i take what we get the opportunity to do for granted. I'm living the dream!!!! It becomes routine the more we do it. But I remember when i started out doing music... My Dream was to be in major studios and make records I love, and tour, and all the things I do now pretty much. That just proves how awesome God is and how much hard work pays off. Sometimes we need to just stop and realize how great life really is.


“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” Ashley Smith

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Funday....

"Church isn’t where you meet. Church isn’t a building. Church is what you do. Church is who you are. Church is the human outworking of the person of Jesus Christ. Let’s not go to Church, let’s be the Church.” Bridget Willard

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Working on a new song. Can't say I've been the most inspired these past few days, A Lot on my mind... I am excited we leave to Texas and Philly for a couple days. Being on the road always seems to do it for me. I don't really like writing under pressure, But in this business you need to learn to get better at it. I believe Music has it's own effect on everyone, For me it defines so much more than just sounds and fun. It's my Therapy.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lights are MY Friend!!!! :)

Red Gorilla Festival 2011

Well. It is March already!!!! Pretty Crazy! Year is going by and we're ready to get into our busy mode after Working in our caves for winter. We're working on the new set for shows. Pretty crazy that they are all new songs!!! A lot of dancing on our part. But we are pumped for what's about to pop off, Can't really say much, but you can be excited... that we're excited... and we can be excited together because it's a great feeling. Right? We're heading to Texas in a couple days for The Red Gorilla Music Festival. We Love Texas, and know it's going to be a blasty blast!!! We haven't posted any tour videos in a while. More info... Here is the Line-up For March 16th.

Dizzy Rooster – 306 E. 6th Street – Wednesday – March 16, 2011
12pm – TBA
1pm – Pistol Whippin Ike
2pm – Gina Cutillo
3pm – Merry Ellen Kirk
4pm – Maps For Travelers
5pm – Dirty Filthy Mugs
6pm – Laura Sweeney
7pm – The Roses
8pm – Vertigo Venus
9pm – Eclectic Approach
10pm – City of God
11pm – The Gallery
12am – Colourslide
1am – DJ Veg
