Thursday, October 30, 2008

......And Alabama

Just a little early blogging....

Tiago Driving....

Alabama is not as fun as we thought....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Miami to Houston....

Well, I am typing this in my sidekick....gunnar on my right and my sister sleeping on my left,Raphael is over my shoulder playing video games with gunnar on a flat screen (how gunnar got it to work...can't say how.) But it works. Lol. We're passing Perry, Fl. Which I have no idea where that is....but its just the beginning of the trip....I think we have like 15 hours left. :0
Dark roads, can't even see the road more than 20 feet. I feel like God works like that....we have to take leaps of faith and have faith that we'll be okay. I know that what God has for my and this band's life....we can't even comprehend, but I feel like its like that for everyone. We just can't imagine or comprehend how big God really we just have to have faith that everything is under control, even though it doesn't look like that all the time.
Well, we have already started the play fights, and nut taps...I'll e posting videos and pictures really soon as I get reception, we're in the middle if no where. Lol.

Peace :]

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Election Season !!! Obama 08!!! Mccain 08!!!

It's almost over!!! And honestly I cant wait. All this is soooo annoying, the news, arguments everywhere, and effin bumper stickers!!!! Man O Man!!!

Can't we all just get along???

Well, I haven't been able to log on and make a new entry in a while, So might as well late then never and make it a pretty big one. We've been doing shows all over the place, Recently we have played at Beats on the Beach which is a Music Conference in Miami. It was great!!! In the artist showcase, We placed First!!! It feels good to win first because we work really hard to get where we are and where we are going....This doesn't come Easy! We'll we've also been up to Orlando and New Smyrna Beach. That was a lot of fun. people we're really friendly and we are just not used to that in our neck of the woods..So it was kinda creepy to be honest! But overall it was a blast...Here are some clips enjoy.